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ACE Fullerton Road Grade Sep


ACE Fullerton Road Grade Separation

The Alameda Corridor East (ACE) Construction Authority is a single purpose construction authority created by the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments in 1998 to mitigate the impacts of significant increases in rail traffic. Train traffic through the Valley is estimated to increase by as much as 160% by the year 2020. The Ace project consists of multiple construction projects including safety and mobility upgrades and grade separations. Biggs Cardosa is the Prime Consultant on the $140 million Fullerton Road Grade Separation Project, the largest of ACE's Phase II grade separations. Biggs Cardosa's services include structural engineering and project management overseeing all design components including: railroad, shoofly, staging, civil and roadway, drainage, utility, signal, geotechnical, and constructability engineering.

proj trans acefullerton


City of Industry, CA


Transportation - Heavy Rail Projects